Thursday, July 21, 2016

7-21-16 Twinkling??? Nah.

This advertising of my desire to be a "twinkly" old person can be a burden for me to bear.

Twinkly? Today, not so much.

We are in the process of moving--trying to keep the old house clean while we live in it and pack boxes. Not just clean. House-showing clean.

You know the drill...vacuum the carpet with the sole purpose of leaving vacuum marks (and try doing that with two doggies who view it as the fulfillment of their life purpose to bark at the vacuum, running back and forth as it goes over the carpet.) Wipe down the bathrooms, hiding all signs of life, such as toothbrushes and used washcloths and dirty clothes. Spritzing some Glade...judging the amount...enough to make it smell good, not enough so that they notice that it is Glade. Erase all signs of dogs living in the house...water bowl, kennels, beds...all into the car with us. As well as the dogs in the car with us. We've only had two people look at it so far, and they were considerate enough to look one right after the other. But another showing tomorrow. And a showing is a good thing, right?...just a lot of work.

And taking care of the financial aspects of buying a house. Loy had gone to the bank last week to tell them what we needed and they agreed. I would just have to go in and tell them I needed it today. Nope. The banker could not even remember Loy going in there. Big black mark on his reputation in our house!!! They grilled me about who the title company was (had I met with them in person?) and ended up calling the realtor just to verify that it was all legitimate. I should be glad they are taking so many safeguards to protect people. I'm just annoyed.

The yard needs weeding. The windows need to get dog booger smudges off them. The fence guy hasn't called back. Neither has the landscaper. Grrr.

I have bunches of stuff I want to sell, but don't want to have a garage sale and people are not responding to some of my ads on Craigslist. They just won't fit in the new house. How terrible. I have so much stuff that it won't fit in the house anymore. Boo hoo.

And, to top it all off, my splurge was to have the packing done FOR US. That estimate came back today. Wow. Ouch. I may be free-spending, but not even I would spend that much! So I had to get boxes and start packing myself. Boo hoo. Poor me. I have to do all this work to get a new, beautiful lake house. Waaaaaaaah.

My allergies have kicked it up a notch (I really didn't remember that I have summer allergies. I thought it was just spring.) My head is pounding every time I bend over or stand up. I am taking medicine, but it makes me kind of non-motivated. I'd rather sleep or read a book. I look a lot like this:

I am blogging because that cheers me up. It makes me see things in a different light. 

If I decided to forget my complaints,  to put away my sad face and be cheerful, --Job 9:27  (Ok, I took that one way out of really has no meaning in this situation at all.) But, I believe that it is my choice whether to let myself be overwhelmed by all the things that need to happen before we move into this Dream House. As Elisabeth Elliot said, "Do the next thing." That's all I have to do. 

A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in a time of need.--Proverbs 17:17  You ARE helping by reading my tales and grumps of woe! 

cheerful look brings joy to the heart; good news makes for good health.--Proverbs 15:30 So now I'll just smile maniacally while I stuff each and every box...that ought to do it!

cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.--Proverbs 17:22 That's why I just want to lie on the couch and worry, rather than taking some action and getting some things done. 

Singing cheerful songs to a person with a heavy heart is like taking someone’s coat in cold weather or pouring vinegar in a wound.--Proverbs 25:20 So, what I DON'T need is you singing cheerful songs to me tonight! Or telling me how you knew your move was God-ordained because your house sold in 20 minutes. Or telling me that I'm so blessed (which I know I am). 

What do I need? I need you to pat me on the back (metaphorically) and tell me, "Oh...poor Kitt. You'll get through this." 

And I need you to see this picture which always brings a smile to my little loves right before we did a 5k in Dallas last month. (Notice how I worded that. "We DID a 5k." I can say that and people just assume I ran a 5k. Ha!! I walked, and not all that fast. But I sure DID it. 

OK, it's working. I'm starting to sense a little twinkle coming on...time to go pack a box or two.



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