Sunday, August 27, 2017

Whew!! What a Year!!

Whew! What a Year!!!

From May 2016 to August 2017 Loy was on a sabbatical to study real-life business communications, with the purpose of revamping the curriculum for this class at Wesleyan.

As near as I can figure, I visited 26 states and Canada and Loy says I travelled 35,000 miles. (He took a few trips without me, so his numbers are much more impressive!!) We visited many dear friends from our past (and present!), attended Paul and Beth's engagement party AND their wedding, saw the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean, I took eight social work classes, said "Good Bye" to Loy's father, bought a new beach house, and sold our old house, among many other accomplishments. We used Loy's truck, AMTRAK, airplanes, and boats for our modes of transportation. (Nope, no camels.) We got probably 10 free nights of hotels off of, which sounds really good but, of course, to get those we had to buy 100 nights!! Yikes! We visited:

Dallas, Texas (four times)
Sioux Falls, South Dakota (multiple times)
Portland, Oregon
Scottsdale, Arizona
Springdale, Arkansas
Locust Grove, Oklahoma
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Howell, Michigan
Kearney, Nebraska
Little Gasparilla Island, Florida
Glenwood Springs, Colorado
Door County, Wisconsin
York, Nebraska
Elkhorn, Nebraska
Papillion, Nebraska
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Probably other places I forget right now!

Loy also threw in a trip to Maryland and England!

What did I learn? 

1. I can do all this while taking a full-time class load if I'm overly organized. It may mean reading Biology in Phoenix or taking an online quiz in Pittsburgh, but it's possible. Thank you, Technology. Also, I am one of those amazingly annoying non-traditional students who actually do the assignments and discuss and read the textbook and never skip class.

2. After spending 10 straight days totally together with the love of my life, it may be best to keep my mouth shut. One conversation somewhere in Ohio:

Loy: It seems like you're arguing with everything I say.
Me: No, I'm not.
Me: And, by the way, you are too.


Loy: Blah, blah, blah. (Well, actually, he said something but I can't for the life of me remember what the topic was right now.)
Kitt: (Holdling lips tightly together. Biting them from he inside. All because I realize I want to argue with him right now.)
Loy: You're holding back right now, aren't you???
Kitt: Look at that red truck there...isn't that interesting?
Loy: Go ahead...say it.
Kitt: Heavy traffic, isn't it?

(I'm obviously trying to change the subject, but he's having nothing to do with that option.)

Loy: What is it? (read with exasperation in your voice)
Kitt: Loy, we've been together 24/7 for 10 days. I think it's best I don't say anything right now.


3. AMTRAK can be on time. All the way to Oregon we were within minutes of the ETA for every single station. Guess the line going through Lincoln is the one that is always late. That's why we drove to Minneapolis and took a northern route!

3. When traveling overnight on AMTRAK, spring for the deluxe room. It actually has a couch and a chair and, most importantly, YOUR OWN BATHROOM. This is very vital. And, really, does not add too much to the total cost of your ticket.

Also, on AMTRAK (am I getting paid for a promotion???) you are treated like a special guest. And, food in the restaurant is included in the price (The food, BTW, is not half bad. Not a big selection to choose from and they seat you with other travelers, but a good experience.)

4. Do not walk from the Portland train station to the hotel, even if it's just a mile. You will be walking through a homeless village.

5. With good friends you can just pick up and enjoy each other's company even if it's been years and years.

6. Thousand Islands, NY, is very beautiful. But, people really spend lots and lots of money on things that will just deteriorate.

7. The 9/11 Memorial in Pennsylvania is very meaningful.

8. We like NORTH Captiva Island better than Little Gasparilla Island (in Florida).

9. Going to church with friends across the country is really great. God is at work all over.

10. I don't understand Tim Horton restaurants...are they meals or are they donuts???

11. I really enjoy time alone at home.

12. There's no place like home.

Things Loy learned:

1. Recent graduates do not make big presentations (as a rule) in their jobs because no one really cares what they think. They do more short, announcement-type speaking.

2. People overestimate how important/interesting their own powerpoint slides are. Too many words.

3. NWU grads are doing pretty well in the business world. And they are spread out all over the country.

4. When you live on a lake, you don't spend as much time down on the beach as you do when you vacation on a lake.

5. Even on sabbatical, students track you down to ask advising questions.

But, now the year has ended. I'm back to school. Loy's back to school. His report has been submitted. His curriculum and assignments for Business Communications has been updated and improved.

And we didn't kill each other.

So, no more sabbaticals for six years. Wonder what and where he'll study then???

Talk to you soon!



Tuesday, February 14, 2017

2-14-17 The Great Day!

The Great Day

Today my father-in-law, Dale, had the greatest day of his life. He was surrounded by people who loved him and, after an interminable time (or so it seemed to those watching), he closed his eyes and began the real adventure. He is now with Jesus. Happy Valentine's Day!!

He was definitely a larger-than-life type of guy. One of eight sharecropping children, he always had an idea for a business to start or a tool to design or a new way to do something. Door-to-door fruit salesman during the Dust Bowl in California comes to mind. 

He was opinionated, pushy, determined, and, probably, overly self-confident. He could hold a grudge.  And, was he ever ornery!! But, he was a hard worker. And when the grand babies came around to his house, he was the one rocking them in the recliner--while both the baby and the grandpa slept (with the TV remote in hand). He took care of widows and women who had unexpectedly become single once again. He taught my kids to drive...sort of...stick shift out in the field. He hosted hot dog roasts out in his field. 

People either loved him or hated him. Not much in between. 

He was a good father-in-law to me. Sometimes I "gave it" back to him just as much as he dished it out. The weekend I first met him he decided to change into his ever-present coveralls right in front of me!! And when Loy and I told him we were getting married, his comment? "You don't have to, do you?" (We didn't.)

Both of my parents died when I was in my '20's. At that time Dolores told me that she told God, "She's ours now." And they treated me that way. I was their daughter. I've known them longer than I knew my own parents. 

From Gelbvieh cows to rock quarries to dial locks to generators to muzzle loading rifles...he was always interested in new products, new businesses, new ideas, new ways to make money. I totally get that constant level of ideas. 

And gardening...that was probably his passion. A HUGE garden, always. In Centerville it had an 8 foot (or so) chain link fence around it to keep deer out. In Sioux Falls it took over almost the entire back yard. And, even in the midst of dementia, he designed an irrigation system that took the sump pump water and put it on the garden, via PVC pipe and joints and toggle switches. 

He could grow just about anything. Beans, watermelons, tomatoes, onions, and okra were the staples. there's a vegetable I had no idea existed--in my upper Midwest upbringing. But he grew it and, as was his way, insisted I try it. (Result? I like it fried like Dolores does it--hate it slimy.) The last garden obsession he had before moving to Memory Care was some onions he had pilfered from an experimental farm in Alaska. He just "happened" to walk really close to some that were growing in the greenhouse and some bulbs "happened" to find their way into his pocket! He brought those home and they grew and grew. (What were they testing, anyway? Maybe they were radioactive or something!!!) When he couldn't remember anything else he would still tell the story of the Alaska onions!! Again and again. :)  He was adamant that everyone had to eat the vegetables he grew. It wasn't until recently I found out he refused to eat his own potato skins!! How did he keep that from me all these years??? 

I was listening to my iPod today and this song came up. I have always loved it (it is really about the Second Coming of Jesus) but today it just struck me that this describes what Dale experienced today. Claimed by God, Dale faced something we all will face at some time. No exceptions. 

Dale is now seeing his true love, Jesus, on Valentine's Day. He is praising God! One of Loy's memories is how he would stand next to Dale in church during hymn singing. Dale had a loud, loud, LOUD singing voice and knew all the words. Loy figured his dad was the best singer in the whole church! BUT...when Loy grew older he realized that Dale was an awful singer. Just loud. So, now Dale is having angels teach him how to sing! 

Did the story of Dale's "footprints tell that he was walking well?" I think so. He was generous. He was a hard worker. He loved God. He WAS human, but he knew Jesus and tried to do what was right. 

The man I knew has been gone for several years. Dementia is a hard thing to watch. It strips everything from a person...memory, ability to laugh, mobility, dignity, pride, modesty. But now he is whole and happy and, I believe, he is saying it was worth it all. But it's the end of an era here on earth.

I have pondered why God kept him here for so long--after the real "Dale" was gone. I think maybe it is that it wasn't all about Dale at that point. It was about us. How we loved him. 

"The Great Day"

We met pain in a garden where we lived a lie
We met hope in a manger and a baby’s cry
Rescued by hands bleeding grace
Are we ready to see His face?
On the great day

He will come to claim us with a rushing wind
Blown like fields of wheat, the world will bow and bend
Held between our joy and disbelief
Every trembling heart will finally face the same way
On the great day

One day Love will wear the crown; one day Love will set us free
Hands up high and faces down; angels teaching us to sing
He will be King, He will be King

He who scattered us on every distant shore

He will gather us unto Himself once more
Let the story of our footprints tell
We were walking well, holding high Your name
Until the great day

One day Love will wear the crown; one day Love will set us free
Hands up high and faces down; angels teaching us to sing
He will be King, He will be King

He will be the new sunrise
Steal the darkness from our eyes
When we fail to find the words
Holy, Holy we will cry
He will be the new sunrise
Holy, Holy we will cry

On the great day

So, good bye, Dale. Have a great day! I will miss you. 

Love, your daughter, Kitt.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

2-9-17 Shhhhhh!!!! Someone's sleeping.

First off, before someone comments on how much hair I have or how I have changed...this picture is NOT me. I took one of me, but it was so scary that I am not letting anyone other than dear, old Loy see it--and he's threatened with death and torture if he ever shows anyone that picture or if he ever puts it on his iPad!!!

Now, to the blog...

I have sleep issues. I have always been a kind of sleepy girl. I remember fighting falling asleep in classes starting in 7th grade. Such a chore to keep the old eyelids open!!! And I love to nap. Can nap anytime, any place.

In the past few years, it's gotten worse. It's dictating my life--when I schedule appointments, when I schedule working hours, where I can drive by myself. And a strange thing began to happen. I would wake up in the mornings and Loy would be in the guest bed. He said my snoring was so loud he couldn't sleep. (This caused a few cranky moments in me, as you can imagine. Things like, "Well, you snore too and I don't leave!" were heard in the Watley house.) Deep down, I knew it was bad. Have you ever been sleeping and you hear this terrible snoring and think (in your dreams), "Would someone please stop that terrible noise????" and then, you guessed it, you wake up to find out it was you!!!!????

So, in 2014 I went to an ENT who said I had a severely deviated septum. He estimated my nasal passages were 95% blocked. So I underwent surgery to fix this and the snoring. The result? I breathe better now than I ever have in my life, better than I dreamed possible.  I still snore.

Last summer I decided I needed to get this taken care of and went to a sleep doctor who wanted to do a sleep test. (Insurance decreed that, of course, I did not need to have one in the hospital. An at-home test would do just fine.) Well, that test showed I had mild sleep apnea--I stopped breathing about 60 times per night (you get about 30 "free" stopping breathing episodes per night.) So we (like how I say "we"--I mean ME) joined the ranks of the CPAP-ers. I have a high-tech machine with a long tube and little "pillows" (I think that is a dumb thing to call them, but that's what THEY call them.) that plug my nose and blow air up there all night long, thus keeping the airway open. And, I stopped snoring!!! YAY!!!

I went to my follow-up appointment after a month singing the praises of the CPAP. I didn't have to get up to potty as much at night. Loy stayed in bed all night long. He says I don't make a peep.  BUT there is an assessment:  How likely would you be to fall asleep while reading a book? How likely would you be to fall asleep while riding in a car? How likely would you be to fall asleep if you laid down after lunch? Etc. The doctor asked all these questions and my answer was pretty much, "Very likely." To all of them. "Hmmmm. You are still VERY sleepy." He decided that it may just be taking awhile for my body to get used to all this good sleep, so told me to come back in three months.

Three months...same questions...same answers. I am always tired.

He thought he knew what I had, a rare condition called "persistent hypersomnalism." I looked it up. That means you are sleepy. But, we need to rule out other things, which can only be done with an in hospital sleep study. Which happened last night.

I arrived at 8:00 p.m. and Brad hooked me up with about 15 electrodes. They were all over my face, my legs, my chest, my hair. (I sensed Brad was very attracted to me, but I just kept mentioning my HUSBAND. :)  )  I turned out the light around 10:30 and Brad only had to come in one time to reattach a leg electrode which came off. At 6:30 AM the speaker said..."Kitt. Time to wake up." I do not wake up well at 6:30 AM. Brad was kind of annoying at 6:30 AM.

Then I had a nap study, which meant I had to stay awake for 2 hours, then  lay down and take a nap five times during the day. I could read or watch TV or walk the halls (looking Frankenstein-esque) in between the naps, as long as I did not get in the bed. The bad part was that they woke me up after 20 minutes or so. You just get into a good sleep and that darned speaker..."Kitt. Time to wake up."

He said I'm an excellent sleeper and they got really good information. I have no clue what that means.

I'm home now, awaiting results, which should be some time this month. I'll let you know what is decided. Maybe I'm just a lazy person who likes to sleep. I don't know.

I just thought you should know the joys of the sleep study.


Saturday, December 3, 2016

12-3-16 Watley FAQ's

Watley 2014-2015-2016 FAQ's

OK, this is it. I'm doing a Christmas letter. And I'll try to answer all your many questions about our riveting life... :)

1. Why haven't you done a Christmas letter in two years?

Fair questions. In 2014 I was diagnosed with a recurrence of that pesky breast cancer--same type of cancer, same spot on my body. I had six rounds of chemo, different drugs and they were really, really tough. We followed that with a bilateral mastectomy. So, basically, that year I was just bone tired. (BTW--I'm doing well now and can do pretty much anything I want to do, though I do have to ration my energy levels a bit.) 

Last year, well, life just got busy and I didn't feel it. 

2. Where have you travelled for vacations?

In 2014 Loy and I fulfilled a dream of mine--to visit St. Kitt's Island in the Caribbean. Our friends, Steve and Phyl, joined us at a beachside house with a pool. It was such a nice time! Walking the beach, reading on the verandah, driving on the wrong side of the road. We actually stayed on Nevis, the sister island, where they chain up their cows and let their dogs and chickens and goats run loose. 

In 2015 we took the whole family to Estes Park, CO, where we rented a house with a pool. Everyone was able to be there for at least part of the week. We hiked, mini-golfed, rode bikes, and swam lots in the heated pool. . 

In 2016 Loy and I have been on sabbatical, but our vacation was probably the trip to Door County, WI. Another cottage on the beach with trees and calm and peace. (Getting a theme to our vacations?)

We also took AMTRAK out to Portland, OR, just because. We had always wanted to take a cross country train trip, so we just did it. Train travel is nice. The train staff actually treat you well! We got a sleeper car (which includes all meals in the dining room) and read and napped and road the 32 hours away. It was fun.

3. What exactly does one DO on sabbatical?

Wesleyan has a very generous sabbatical program. Every sixth year a professor can take a year off to do something that will benefit the university. It could be writing a book or taking classes or doing research. Loy teaches Business Communication, which is a rapidly changing area, with Facebook and Twitter and email. So he is interviewing three groups of people: recent employed alums to ask what they wished they had learned before working, people who hire these recent grads to ask what they wish the new hires knew, and professors who teach Business Communication to see how they teach the class. After all this research, he will revamp the NWU curriculum. Basically we have picked out places we've wanted to visit and gone there. There are NWU alums almost everywhere!! So far we've hit Detroit, Pittsburgh, Minneapolis, Huddersfield, Portland, Albuquerque, Washington, DC, Omaha, Lincoln, and Phoenix will be right after Christmas. 

4. What's all this about Kitt going back to school? 

Yep. I am currently taking social work classes at NWU. I'm not sure if I will complete a second bachelor's degree, but the classes are very interesting. I've had to write about a zillion papers on different topics, given presentations, written my obituary, and shadowed a social worker in a nursing home. My dream would be to have a part-time job in medical social work, preferably with elderly or low-income people. 

5. How are Loy's parents?

Loy's dad lives in a very nice memory care facility in Sioux Falls, SD. It is heart-breaking to go visit him as he can no longer speak or walk unassisted or feed himself. He is as ornery as ever, though! He keeps all the staff on their toes with frequent falls out of his recliner and being compelled to walk even when he needs help. Dolores visits him most every day and takes good care of him. 

6. Where are all your kids?

Alexis and Corey live in Papillion, NE. She is still an actuary with Aetna and loves her spreadsheets and analyses. Crazy girl. Corey always has a few irons in the fire. He is still working on civilizing the 40 acres of land they own in the Loews Hills. 

Grant and Angela and our three sweeties (Payton, 4, Carter, 3, and Jaxson, 1) still live in Sioux Falls. Grant resigned from his coaching position and is now working at the 605 Running Company, the shoe store the three boys own. He still gets his coaching fix by coaching people/teams for marathons. Angela stays at home and deals with the littles. She's the calmest mommy I've ever known!

Logan and Jenna are eagerly awaiting the arrival of Baby W, a new little Watley girl due to be born on January 17. Logan works at Javlin in Omaha as a CPA. Jenna still teaches 4th grade at West Dodge Station Elementary. 

Paul still lives in Dallas and is the Digital Marketing Specialist for the Salvation Army of Texas. He asked his sweetie, Beth Solomon, to marry him and a wedding is planned for June 2017. Beth teaches 5th grade and we love her. 

Luke, 11, still gets to come visit us every month or so and we love to host him. He's gotten so tall and skinny!! He loves sports, especially running. He's always got a plan to become a scientist or an inventor or a sports star. 

7. What's up with  moving to a lake?

Loy's dream is to live on the water. He would really prefer the ocean, but I have mileage limits so that I can see the kids and grands. So, we found a house on a sandpit lake just north of Ashland, NE, and moved very quickly to live the dream. Ashland is just about exactly halfway between Lincoln and Omaha--30 minutes or so each way--so we can commute to jobs or kids easily. I am not above buying a lake house to lure my kids to visit!! 

8. What is your new address?

679 Serenity Pointe, Ashland, NE 68003  
Cell phone: 402-309-9479.

9. Can we come visit?

Definitely!!! We would love to have you come visit!! Just give us a call!!

We hope you have a very blessed Christmas filled with family and friends and laughter!!


Loy and Kitt.

Friday, October 14, 2016

10-14-16 Fly on the Truck Wall

Sabbatical. Yep. This blog is supposed to be all about our sabbatical travels. So I thought you might want to be a fly on our truck wall and see what it's like to travel with Loy and Kitt.

Well, to start with, we take the truck, not my post-cancer Cadillac. Loy hates my car--for whatever reason, he won't drive it. Or ride in it. So, we ride in his truck, which is OK.

I am fortunate in that Loy does the driving. Always. With the sleepiness I always feel, this is a good thing. I do my best to stay awake in the morning but, after lunch, it's nap time, no two ways around it. Loy turns on podcasts through the radio speakers and I doze off to "Mike and Mike," or "Freakonomics." These sound so dull, but actually I kind of like listening to them. (Usually he listens to them at 1-1/2 speed, but I refuse to have that going on in the background. I think it's unhealthy to listen to things so fast. So they are normal speed, just for me. Tell me that's not love!)

This summer, on our way down to Dallas, I was snoozing in the passenger seat when I opened my eyes and looked at Loy. I could've SWORN that his eyes were shut and that he was falling asleep!! I started yelling and hitting him..."LOY, LOY, LOY!!!!! Wake up!!!!!" Well, turns out he wasn't asleep. He was just driving along, minding his own business, listening to his podcasts, and I started screaming and hitting him!!! Poor guy!!!

Our first stop was to visit my parents' graves in Geneseo, Illinois. Mom died in 1986 and Daddy died in 1990. Long time ago. I still miss them.

Next, a stopover in the booming town of Howell, Michigan (just east of Detroit) to see old friends, Yvonne and Greg (and we got to see a couple of their grown kiddos.) While reminiscing with them we realized that we only knew them in Kearney for 6 months or so before we moved. This would've been back in our Kearney years, circa 1990. And we've visited them in Michigan three times now. Loy said they probably are thinking, "Why do these people keep visiting us?? We hardly knew them!!!" Once a friend of ours, you can't escape easily, I guess!

One of the funniest moments, in my mind, anyway, while there was when, at the very end of a hot dominoes game, Loy laid the 11/12 down. Yvonne said, "Ahhhhhhhh." Like she hadn't seen that very same domino in 12 other hands. Like that was the particular domino she had been waiting for forever. Like this was THE MOVE in the entire game. It's not as funny when I write it, but it was hilarious when you were there!

Next, we headed over to Thousand Islands, NY. (Yes, the dressing was invented there, although there is some dispute just who invented it and the circumstances.)

When I was a little girl I got carsick easily so I had to sit in the front seat. (That always kind of irked Mom, because she was stuck in the backseat.) And my job was to read the map. I mean, I was like 10-years-old and it was my job to navigate us through Minneapolis or Atlanta! I loved that job (and sitting in the front!) but it was such pressure. I would check and re-check the route. (I mean, what was Daddy thinking, letting a 10-year-old plan the route???) I would watch the signs and try to give enough warning for everything. It was tough. I lived in fear of making a mistake. Daddy was never mean about it (at least not to my face) but I sure didn't want to fail at this.

Now my job with Loy is the same--getting him through traffic. But we don't seem to work well as a team. He doesn't like modern technology so, usually, doesn't let me turn on Googlemaps for directions.

We were driving through Toronto on the way and the conversation went something like this:

Loy: Here's Highway 407. Do I take it?
Kitt: Let me look...I don't see 407...are you sure it's 407...THERE IS NO 407 ON THIS MAP!!
L: But should I take it?
K: How do I know? THERE IS NO 407 ON THIS MAP!!!
L: There's traffic here...I need to know. Now.
L: But, should I take it?

(Tempers flare. Silence prevails.)

Later, when the emergency had passed (we did NOT take 407 but, in retrospect, think we should have.) I looked at the atlas copyright date. 1995. Can you believe it??? He's expecting me to navigate with an atlas made of bear skins and drawn in elk blood. TWENTY-ONE-YEAR-OLD ATLAS!! I can't work under these conditions. I demand a new atlas!!

My other job, as we drive through towns, is to read random signs that sound interesting.

Kitt: Hmmm. Nude Pizza.
K: Hmmm. Wunnerful.
K: Hmmm. Drive-through tattoos.
K: Edna's House of Pain
K: Wouldn't you think that "Flat Roofs R Us" would have a flat roof instead of all those peaks?

I don't know why I read those signs out loud. I don't want to go there. They are just interesting and unusual and silly. If Loy responds at all to these sign readings it is something like, "Where?" and by then, of course, it's long gone.

We drove to Thousand Islands via Canada. My words of advice to Loy upon going through customs? "Don't talk too much." I feel he has a tendency to explain too much to people. I didn't want him explaining to the customs guy that black powder muzzleloaders are not considered firearms. I did not want him to tell the customs guy that we had 3 apples in the cooler. And he did very well. We got through--and back in to the country!

Canada has "En Route's" for their rest stops. They are gas station/restaurant all wrapped up in one (this was a toll way, so maybe that's why they had these.) What I learned? Canada likes restaurants called "Tim Horton's." They offer donuts instead of fries, your choice. There were about 8 million Tim Horton's on the ride through Ontario.

Thousand Islands was beautiful. We stayed in a cottage on the St. Lawrence River and saw beautiful sunsets. We took two boat tours, one to see the millionaires fancy homes on the aforementioned islands, the other to tour Singer Castle, which is on an island. (This picture is Boldt Castle.)

Loy said that he kept thinking of Ecclesiastes while touring the two castles we looked at..."vanity, vanity..." These people built these things that were extremely extravagant and showy. And now they are deteriorating and host tours and the people are dead.

And you also realize how heirs get so greedy and fight a lot. Over riches. Earthly riches.

(BTW--this one is not the castle. This is the servant's quarters. The real castle is about 5 times as large.)

This picture is of Loy doing his favorite thing. Sitting outside on the porch, reading in solitude and quiet.

And that concludes Day 1 of our travels (well, actually I should say Installment #1--it's taken several days).

More to come...



Wednesday, October 5, 2016

10-5-16 I've got a novel idea...

Good Evening, All!
I am not a political person. I really don't like to say things about candidates and I really don't think any Facebook posts about candidates do a bit of good...
I have noticed that this presidential election seems to be different than past elections--at least to my untrained eye. It seems that no one is happy. Lots of people are saying they are just choosing the "lesser of two evils." Others are threatening to move to Canada or other points outside the US. It's become the national joke that out of 324,729,000 (approximately) people in the US, THESE are the best two we could come up with?? Facebook memes and snarky comments abound. 
I neither like nor trust either candidate. I don't think anyone really does. 
Sad. Really sad. 
I tried to watch the first presidential debate and the vice presidential debate. Couldn't do it. After 5 minutes of each I was so bothered I actually had a blanket over my face!! No class by either candidate. Interrupting, not answering the question, talking over the other, making wild accusations about each other. Statements made without any proof or backup (thus the need for fact checkers.) Accusations of tampering with microphones and hacking by Russians...where is the courtesy and protocol and "presidential-ness?" I mean, gee, we all learned about this sort of stuff in kindergarten!
I have an idea. I researched (mildly researched) high school debate rules and I propose that the next debate be run like a high school debate. Topics to be announced, then the candidates get 30 minutes to work with their teams, There is the first volley (both sides get six minutes), the second volley (another six minutes), then the rebuttals (five minutes each). Talking about the actual question and what they would do or why they feel the way they do. Each candidate would get the same questions, so no accusations of bias in the questions. Forget hiring these anchors as moderators--get some 70-year-old high school debate coach, a real tough guy. 
If someone interrupted inappropriately, their turn would be immediately forfeited. OK, maybe I'm being too harsh--give them one warning, then forfeit their turn. 
What would that be like?? 
I would love it!!! 
I copied these rules from 
There are three debaters per side. Each debater gives one speech. This is the order of the speeches:
First proposition constructive – 6 minutes
This speaker makes a case for the motion for debate, providing a proof of the topic with three or four major points.
First opposition constructive – 6 minutes
This speaker makes several arguments against the proposition team’s case and refutes the proposition’s major points.
Second proposition constructive – 6 minutes
This speaker should rebuild and extend upon the proposition’s case. This means that this speaker must defend and amplify the original proposition points and refute the opposition’s major arguments.
Second opposition constructive – 6 minutes
This speaker amplifies the opposition arguments against the case, providing new information about why the opposition team should win the debate. This speaker should answer the proposition’s answers to the opposition team’s original arguments. This speaker may split summarization of the debate with the opposition rebuttalist.
Opposition rebuttal – 5 minutes
This speaker must put the debate together and explain why, given one or more arguments in the debate, the opposition team should win the debate. This speaker accounts for or refutes the proposition’s major points.
Proposition rebuttal – 5 minutes
This speaker should summarize the issues in the debate and explain why, even with the opposition’s arguments, the proposition teams should win the debate. This speaker accounts for all remaining major points of the opposition team.
A Point of Information is a request that the speaker holding the floor yield time to an opponent for a statement (argument) or a question. A person applies for a point of information by standing or standing and saying “Information.” No other words may be used in applying for a Point of Information. A speaker may reject a point by gently waving a hand in the down position, indicating that the opponent should sit. A speaker may also reject the point verbally by saying “No, thank you.” Either method of rejecting a point attempt may be used, although the former is preferred as it is less disruptive for the speaker. If the speaker accepts a point (2 or more points ought to be accepted during any given speech), the speaker simply replies to an attempt by saying “Yes” or “I’ll take your point.” It is possible for more than one person on a team to request a point at any one time. A rejection by the speaker (by a nonverbal wave of the hand or negative verbal reply) is understood to apply to all opponents attempting a point at that time.
A Point of Information, also known as a POI, may only be attempted during the middle four minutes of each constructive speech – the 6 minutes speeches of the debate (after the first and before the last minute; the opening and closing minutes of a speech are identified as ‘protected time’ for the speaker and may not be interrupted by POIs). An accepted POI may not be more than 15 seconds.
Strategically directed heckling (supportive and argumentative) is permitted. Heckling is a single word or brief phrase (almost always no more than 2 words) and directed to the judge of the debate. A heckle is a reminder to the judge to pay close attention to the information immediately expressed by the speaker. Some heckles are non-verbal and supportive of teammates (e.g., applause during a speech by teammates rapping their knuckles or the palm of their hands on a desktop to encourage the judge to heed a particularly strong point being made by the speaker.) Other heckles are verbal and alert the judge to a problem in the opposing side’s argument. For example, if a member of an opposing team offers a major point without including evidence to verify her or his reasoning (i.e., the speakers does not make a complete argument, which must include ‘A-R-E,’ Assertion-Reasoning-Evidence) a person on the listening team may heckle by calling out, “Evidence.” This lets the judge know that the point is not yet an argument and should not receive the same standing as well-supported issues that are presented in the debate.
Only argumentative heckling is permitted. Barracking, attempts to disrupt a speech through constant and boorish commentary (often referred to as ‘the heckler’s veto’) is not permitted.
Students may present new arguments in any speech in the debate except the final speech for each side, the third speech or rebuttal speech. No new arguments may be offered in these speeches. What is a new argument? It is an issue that does not have a foundation in the debate up to the point of its introduction. it is an entirely new issue, unrelated to earlier arguments. In other words, the rebuttal speakers are able to present new information in their speeches, just so the material is a continuation of a line of argument from the earlier constructive speeches in the debate. Rebuttal speakers are not expected to to simply copy and repeat the arguments raised by their partners. New assessment of previously established positions, new argument analysis and examples for continued arguments are acceptable in the rebuttal speeches.

So, I'm frustrated and scared and embarrassed by our president possibilities right now. But, I need to remember that God gives the authority to people for reasons I just don't know. After all, He is God. I am not. 
"Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God." --Romans 13:1
"Jesus said, 'You would have no power over me at all unless it were given to you from above.'" --John 19:11
AND...I can pray that God will turn the victor's heart just as easily as you can divert a stream of water. It's not too hard. Because, after all, He is God. I am not. 
"The king's heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord, he guides it wherever he pleases." --Proverbs 21:1

There you have it. My political diatribe. 
Let's just all be nice, OK?

Love, Kitt.

Friday, September 30, 2016

9-30-16 Oh What a Beautiful Morning...

Good Beautiful Morning, Friends!!! Hasn't this been the absolute best fall ever??? The sun is shining, it's warm enough for no coat, but cool enough for long sleeves. I am LOVING this fall!!

You may be wondering what this picture is...

Well, the other day I was turning my fan on and I noticed the strange settings it had for my comfort.

Power Cool: This makes me think that if I press on this button my hair will all be blowing back and my lips will be flapping in the breeze--like a dog with it's head out the car window!

Cool: Yes, I am. I should press this one.

Refresh: OK, when I'm feeling a little exhausted or sweaty, all I need to do is Refresh, right? Like a computer page.

Relax: When Loy gets upset at me, I think I'll point this at him! Maybe it should say, "Chill."

White Noise: I never push this one, since I've taken my Diversity Class. I don't want to be racist.

Calm: This sounds so nice. It might be my favorite setting. Getting worried and bothered? Calm. Stressing about doctor appointments or aches and pains? Calm. It could be called "Breathe."

Whisper: This one eludes me. Whisper to whom? What am I supposed to whisper? Or is the fan whispering to me? Maybe it means God will whisper to me like he did to Samuel. When I put this one on I should just say, "Yes, Lord, Your servant is listening." Whether or not this means that, I should say this anyway.

Sleep: Oh, if only it was that easy to sleep. Just push a button and zzzzzzzzzzz. I have a strange sleep problems. First off, there's the snoring. The incredibly LOUD snoring. The incredibly wakeful snoring. I now have joined the ranks of the CPAP-ers and that does help. But, now I look (and sometimes sound) like something out of Star Trek (think Borg) or Star Wars (think Darth Vader breathing).

We started off with this little nose piece that had what they called "pillows." Makes you think it'll be so darned comfy for your nose, right? Nope. Those "pillows" stick kind of up your nose holes and, every time you move your head on the pillow, readjust and start shooting air outside of your nose holes--like into your eyes or just off into space. And they kind of crunch your nostril up (if you tighten it up so that they don't spew forth air quite so readily). So, I had a permanently tender right nostril.

After giving it the ol' college try (3 months) I went to the next level of nose piece. This one is like a little oxygen mask that covers all of my nose. Much easier and not quite so noisy. But, it kind of digs in to a spot up by the bridge of my nose. I'm still working on that. I've only had it a week, so we'll keep trying, especially since the next level of mask looks like one of those WW1 gas masks!! I do NOT want to go there. I put it on after it's dark so Loy doesn't get the full effect. Sexy. Real sexy.

My next sleep problem: I am so darned tired. All. Day. Long. I get up (not early at all--I'm embarrassed to tell you how late!) and, if I don't keep moving, I could be back asleep by 11:00 a.m.! I try to make it past lunch for a nap, and I crave it. I love that time. It's like a drug high to be able to lie down on the couch and just be--until I'm asleep. Not long.

But, whether or not I've had a nap, I am WIDE AWAKE by 10:00 p.m. or so, when Loy wants to go to bed. If I go at 10 I'm liable to be up for 2 hours or more. If I go to bed at midnight, I might just be awake for 45 minutes or so. The trouble is not sleeping. It's getting to sleep.

And then, of course, waking up.

Is there anything deep in this blog? Probably not. But it does make me think about something I'm learning at our new church, Riverview Community Church. (Yes, this is an announcement that, after moving to Ashland, we have decided it is important (for us, anyway) to worship in our community, so  after 14 happy years at Faith Bible Church in Lincoln, we're moving on. Sad, but happy. Sad because we loved that church and the people. We had our niche. We learned so much. Happy because we think God has moved us and we're excited to see just why. And, so many new friends that we haven't met yet...)

Anyhow, back to my point...

I had been praying this summer that I really didn't feel like I praised God enough and I wasn't just sure what to do about that. I mean, praise is prayer that is really not at all about me--what's up with that?? Well, this church has a list that I've gone through and it helps me so much!!! We just read them out loud (or at home I may do it silently). So, even though this will make this blog WAY too long, I'm going to print them off below. I hope they inspire you like they have me!

The Glory of God
·       God, You are huge; You hold the whole world in Your hands.
·       And You are right here filling up every inch of this room with Your glory.
·       God, You know what everyone is doing, thinking, feeling, and saying right now.
·       You can see every person who has ever sat in this room right now!
·       God, You are The One who drew each of us to this place today.
·       You planned for us to be here before any of us were even born.
·       It’s amazing that You have no needs that anyone can meet.
·       God, You are mysterious; no one can understand you.
·       God, You are always paying attention to every detail of our lives.
·       God, You can hear every sound being made all over the earth at the same time.
·       It’s amazing that You can see the past, present, and future in one glance.
·       God, You know every word in the dictionary in every language!
·       God, You made every star, know their names, and hold them in place!
·       You tell every lightning bolt where to strike.
·       You know what the weather will be like in every place for the rest of time.
·       God You are more beautiful than anything You have created.
·       You see the words on every page, of every book, everywhere!
·       You have already heard every song that will ever be written.
·       You don’t feel worked, surprised, threatened, or overwhelmed by anything.
·       God, You can see inside every car, home, building, closet, bedroom, and life.
·       No one can do anything unless You let them.
·       You are writing the story of time and of each person’s life.
·       You know exactly how everything fits together to accomplish Your purposes.
·       You know exactly when and how every person is born and dies.
·       It’s amazing that the powerful heat of the sun came from You!
·       God, You are enough for us, whether it feels like it or not.
·       You are the only one who can satisfy our hearts.
·       God, You are in control of everything, people are in control of nothing.
·       You can be everywhere at once. People can only be in one place at a time.
·       You are unchanging. Everything else is always changing.
·       God, You are in charge of everything. No one can control or manipulate you.
·       We see only what’s in front of us, You see EVERYTHING>
·       You see inside of cupboards without even looking!
·       You have always been here. No one made you.
·       You made everything out of nothing.

The Honoring Response
·       God, I choose You over everything I have and want. __________
·       God, I surrender everything I think I have to have to You. __________
·       I believe in You, need You, want You, choose You, and surrender to You!
·       No matter what happens, I’ll be okay because I have You and You are enough.
·       God, I choose to believe You are better than everything else I want.
·       God, I choose to believe that I need You more than everything else I need.
·       My life belongs to You and You can do whatever You want to with it.
·       No one but You can satisfy a heart or change a life from the inside out.
The Grace that Connects Me to His Glory
·       Thank You, Jesus, for dying in my place!
·       You traded my sin for Your righteousness and now I am perfect in God’s eyes.
·       Why do You love me SO much?
·       Thank You that You don’t need anything from me. I can’t disappoint You and there is no pressure to perform for You!
·       Thank You for making me into a brand new person and living inside of me.
·       Thanks that my guilt and shame are gone and I am sure I get to go to heaven.
·       Thanks that what You did for me on the cross can’t ever be undone!
·       There is nothing I can do to make You love me more.
·       There is nothing I can do to make You love me less.
·       Jesus, thanks that You don’t need me, but you want me.
·       Thanks that I can KNOW that You will never leave me.
·       Thanks that my faith is not about what II do, it’s about what You DID!
·       Thanks that You use everything that happens to make me more like You!
·       Jesus, You are a better friend than any human could be.
·       Thanks that You want me to come to You when I’m at my worst.
·       I’m so glad that this life is not all there is.
·       I’m so glad I’m completely covered with Jesus!
·       Thanks that, because I have You, I don’t have to get my needs met by people.
·       When You died, it was for every sin I will ever commit!
·       I love you, Jesus!
·       It’s amazing that You know me, see me, hear me, and understand me.
·       Thanks that You don’t count on me for anything.
·       You see MY fingerprint, know MY name, and how many hairs are on MY head.
·       I’m so glad You are changing me from the inside out.
·       Jesus, it’s crazy You paid such a high price to save me.
·       It doesn’t matter what my life is like now, I have heaven to look forward to!

The Higher Purpose We Choose to Focus On
·       Holy Spirit, please use this unfair person in my life.
·       Please use this financial struggle to teach me to trust YOU instead of money.
·       Holy Spirit, please work in the hearts of everyone involved in this conflict.
·       God, please captivate my heart so I will live for ONLY You.
·       Holy Spirit, will You use this tragedy to detach my heart from this life.
·       God, please reveal Yourself to my husband during this difficult scenario.
·       God, please use THIS to draw people to Jesus and send out laborers.
·       Please, Holy Spirit, use my presence here to help people find Jesus.
·       Holy Spirit, please change me from the inside out while I go through this.
·       Please teach me that I don’t have to let other people’s choices affect mine.
·       Teach me to believe that what You want for me is better than what I want.
·       Holy Spirit, please prepare our hearts for whatever the outcome of this is.
·       God, please teach my heart that You are enough through this disappointment.
·       Holy Spirit, please make me willing to go wherever this takes.
·       God, I see brokenness right now and I need Your healing in my heart

·       Help me to see the privilege I have the right now to show Your grace.

Well, that's all for now. Have a great fall, wherever you are!!!

Love, Kitt.